A day in the life of a cat

I’m sitting here at work, avoiding petting the cats because apparently 2 of them are viscious and I already have a fair share of scars, and I thought hey, I’ll write instead.

The weather has been (in the words of Brent Davies) abslutely GORGEOUS the past few days. Got to wear short shorts yesterday! Unfortunatley, the temperature dropped into the 50s at night and I didn’t plan on that, so I froze walking to my car. Hey, least I looked good doing it.

Less than 2 weeks of classes left. I’d be more excited, but I’m taking chemistry over the summer (for kicks I suppose) so the summer really doesnt bring any reprieve from months and months of hard work. Kinda blows. The classes are at night, so maybe I’ll still get to the beach every once in a while. Won’t get to as many games though. But I just bought myself tickets to the Yankees game May 8th. Figured it’d be a nice treat, being its the day after the last day of class. I didn’t figure out who would be pitching yet. Though I know it won’t be Phil. Doing the math quick, might be Ian (aka: Ike) but who knows. As long as its not Joba…. I swear to God. Sometimes, I want to kill the Steinbrenner family. Bunch of ignoramuses. GAH 

Along the lines of baseball, I’m working on a video to enter the “Take me Out to the Ballgame” contest. How cool would that be to sing live at Yankee Stadium. Good thing I lack stage fright. I have no shame. Though if I were booed, I’d probably cry. Oh well, worth a shot. I don’t take enough risks.

I really just want to go to the All Star Game. Last big horrah at the Stadium. I don’t have that kind of money though. I don’t even want to know how much tickets will go for. Can’t be less than a grand. Blows.

Lets see, what else. I was told by a friend that she thinks Justin Timberlake and I are soul mates b/c we have the same exact personality. Too bad he doesn’t know that haha. If anyone reading this knows him, and would like to let him know…. please do. I really like his new song with Madonna. Sorry.. “Mah-Daaaaahna” Catchy. Plus anything he sings I can usually listen to for hours on end. its a sick obsession. But hey, I’m loyal. And I liked the guy since I was what, 11? Why would 10 years change anything?

Alright, back to doing some work. And the games about to start. Ian’s pitching. Again, I have faith. Michael (who I can now call Mike again) pitched very well his last start. Makes me happy. Can’t believe he’s already 39. Feels just like yesterday when the Yankees got him from the Orioles. I’m surprised I remember thats where he pitched before…. I hope this isn’t his last year. I like him.

But Mike, if it IS you’re final year. Retire, and come help my friend Bonnie and I with the daily crossword puzzle. It’d mean a lot.


See yaaaaaaa

~ by jetergirl211 on April 26, 2008.

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