Lets see how long this lasts

Well I have so much school work I’m supposed to be doing. Two tests on Friday, one next week (have I studied yet? Of course not) 10 page lit review due 2 weeks from yesterday, and I need to read for Human Condition. So instead of doing that, I will of course procrastinate and write on this instead. You know its getting down to finals time when one decided to start writing in a blog nobody will read…

So lets see, if you are actually reading this. And this is my first post. You might as well know a little about me.

My name’s Alex. Short for Alexandra. So yes, I lack a Y chromosome. I’m 20.. and a half. I’ll be 21 in November (woo). I’m in college and probably will be for the rest of my life. I’m currently majoring in Psychology and a minor in Biology and doing all the prerequisites for medical school, though my dream job would be working high up in the Yankees organization (or managing the team), but I’m realistic. If that didn’t make it obvious, I’m a ginormous Yankees fan (and as an addition, NO. I am NOT attracted to Derek Jeter. I do NOT want to have his children… the screen name does NOT mean that. I’ll explain some other time) Anyways… Baseball is a real passion in my life and if you get me started on it, I could talk about it for days on end. I’m into high adrenaline activities. Just took up skydiving last year. Still doing it tandem, but that may change later this summer. I love roller coasters and am lucky enough to live on the east coast so that I can say I’ve been on the tallest, fastest roller coastser in the world! I like dancing in public, have no shame, and am always up for new things.

Alright, that seems good enough.

In Yankees news: Alex Rodriguez is the proud father of a second baby girl! And he didn’t collapse in the delivery room this time! YAY! So congratulations to him, Cynthia, and little Natasha.

Michael is pitching tonight. I have faith. Always do. He knows what he’s doing.

Alright, I really need to get going. It’s beautiful outside and I should be reading for Psychopathology.

So, go Michael!!! Kick some Chisox ass!!

~ by jetergirl211 on April 23, 2008.

One Response to “Lets see how long this lasts”

  1. Hmm, and who had to prod and push and convince you that going on the tallest, fastest rollercoaster in the world was a good idea?

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