I told Dani I’d write more

•July 31, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Just got done discussing drugs. Awesome times. Jill, if you’re reading this, Chris needs to help us, if you know what I mean. Got my Ipod hooked into the speakers right now. I still have an Ipod mini. They don’t even make those anymore….. 4 whole gigs. Listening to M.I.A right now. Good stuff. Hmm, still playing some Zuma and reading every now and again. But this just in:

MANNY RAMIREZ IS A DODGER……..Mr. Torre have fun! Man, as long as he’s out of the league, I’m happy.


some I some I let gooooo

I’m desperate

•July 31, 2008 • Leave a Comment

So I’ve become so bored at work that I’ve resorted to blogging, even though I have nothing to blog about. Let me tell you (and by you I mean the imaginary person I know isn’t reading this) what I do at work. I’m a receptionist at Adelphi for the University College. It’s pretty much people who are older and have full time jobs and want to get a degree, or a bunch of young Jewish Girls who call at the most inopportune times and ruin my day. But……What I really do is sit in front of a computer, waiting for people to come online or on facebook to talk to, play random computer games, stalk my email, sometimes read a book, text, and bullshit with people in the office. Every once in a while I throw a dance party when the bosses go home. It’s been Christmas Music and Cheesey Party songs of late. Rudolph followed by the YMCA. Classic.

It’s pretty laid back, but my mind is always over active, and sitting here doing nothing can be detrimental to my wellbeing. I pretty much over think everything, run scenarios that could have been, should have been, could never be, in my head all while waiting for the phone to ring. I’m usually contemplating my career and love life. But really other than those two things, what is there to think about in life? I think I’ll just spend a few dollars on a winning lotto ticket and come home to an empty house (other than a pooch. I mean I love cats, but that would just be classic spinster, and I like being unique.)

So to get my mind of that shit, I try to think more….here and now. Or at least a little more present time. Though I guess the love thing is now. It’s all so complicated and it really shouldn’t be. I don’t know how I ever feel. I fall into routine. I guess I’m just waiting for something, or maybe someone, to break me out of it, and I’ll make my move from there. Or maybe that comes, and I decide that I really love where I’m at right now. Ugg, it shouldn’t be this hard. I’m not 55 and married. But here I go again…

What I was trying to get into is how I’m a loser and look at videos of roller coasters that I hope to ride out in California when I go in A WEEK. They look absolutely terrifying, and I’m going to love every moment of them. I’m also hoping to be discovered by a big name director and cast in the role (roll?) of a lifetime. If I don’t come back, I’m shooting a love scene with Orlando Bloom. Don’t worry, I’ll always remember all you little people when I’m accepting my golden globe and academy award.

I also stalk my baseball. Trade deadline today! My boyz picked up Ivan (Pudge) Rodriguez. I’m mad excited. Is it weird to be this obsessed with baseball? This fanatical? Fuck the love dilemma. Baseball, is my true love, my one true passion. I have a quote!

“Do I take baseball too seriously? But I don’t want to hear any body’s answer. What could be done to exorcise me? Would the ghosts of Kenesaw Mountain Landis appear with crossed baseball bats, and stand over me as I lay pinioned to the pitcher’s mound? Would he swat away baseballs that circled about my head like bumblebees? I raise my arms over the moon silvered park like an Aztec Priest” -Shoeless Joe, W.P Kinsella

Ok, its lunch time. I’ll probably be bored and write to myself some more when I get back. toodles!

A day in the life of a cat

•April 26, 2008 • Leave a Comment

I’m sitting here at work, avoiding petting the cats because apparently 2 of them are viscious and I already have a fair share of scars, and I thought hey, I’ll write instead.

The weather has been (in the words of Brent Davies) abslutely GORGEOUS the past few days. Got to wear short shorts yesterday! Unfortunatley, the temperature dropped into the 50s at night and I didn’t plan on that, so I froze walking to my car. Hey, least I looked good doing it.

Less than 2 weeks of classes left. I’d be more excited, but I’m taking chemistry over the summer (for kicks I suppose) so the summer really doesnt bring any reprieve from months and months of hard work. Kinda blows. The classes are at night, so maybe I’ll still get to the beach every once in a while. Won’t get to as many games though. But I just bought myself tickets to the Yankees game May 8th. Figured it’d be a nice treat, being its the day after the last day of class. I didn’t figure out who would be pitching yet. Though I know it won’t be Phil. Doing the math quick, might be Ian (aka: Ike) but who knows. As long as its not Joba…. I swear to God. Sometimes, I want to kill the Steinbrenner family. Bunch of ignoramuses. GAH 

Along the lines of baseball, I’m working on a video to enter the “Take me Out to the Ballgame” contest. How cool would that be to sing live at Yankee Stadium. Good thing I lack stage fright. I have no shame. Though if I were booed, I’d probably cry. Oh well, worth a shot. I don’t take enough risks.

I really just want to go to the All Star Game. Last big horrah at the Stadium. I don’t have that kind of money though. I don’t even want to know how much tickets will go for. Can’t be less than a grand. Blows.

Lets see, what else. I was told by a friend that she thinks Justin Timberlake and I are soul mates b/c we have the same exact personality. Too bad he doesn’t know that haha. If anyone reading this knows him, and would like to let him know…. please do. I really like his new song with Madonna. Sorry.. “Mah-Daaaaahna” Catchy. Plus anything he sings I can usually listen to for hours on end. its a sick obsession. But hey, I’m loyal. And I liked the guy since I was what, 11? Why would 10 years change anything?

Alright, back to doing some work. And the games about to start. Ian’s pitching. Again, I have faith. Michael (who I can now call Mike again) pitched very well his last start. Makes me happy. Can’t believe he’s already 39. Feels just like yesterday when the Yankees got him from the Orioles. I’m surprised I remember thats where he pitched before…. I hope this isn’t his last year. I like him.

But Mike, if it IS you’re final year. Retire, and come help my friend Bonnie and I with the daily crossword puzzle. It’d mean a lot.


See yaaaaaaa

Lets see how long this lasts

•April 23, 2008 • 1 Comment

Well I have so much school work I’m supposed to be doing. Two tests on Friday, one next week (have I studied yet? Of course not) 10 page lit review due 2 weeks from yesterday, and I need to read for Human Condition. So instead of doing that, I will of course procrastinate and write on this instead. You know its getting down to finals time when one decided to start writing in a blog nobody will read…

So lets see, if you are actually reading this. And this is my first post. You might as well know a little about me.

My name’s Alex. Short for Alexandra. So yes, I lack a Y chromosome. I’m 20.. and a half. I’ll be 21 in November (woo). I’m in college and probably will be for the rest of my life. I’m currently majoring in Psychology and a minor in Biology and doing all the prerequisites for medical school, though my dream job would be working high up in the Yankees organization (or managing the team), but I’m realistic. If that didn’t make it obvious, I’m a ginormous Yankees fan (and as an addition, NO. I am NOT attracted to Derek Jeter. I do NOT want to have his children… the screen name does NOT mean that. I’ll explain some other time) Anyways… Baseball is a real passion in my life and if you get me started on it, I could talk about it for days on end. I’m into high adrenaline activities. Just took up skydiving last year. Still doing it tandem, but that may change later this summer. I love roller coasters and am lucky enough to live on the east coast so that I can say I’ve been on the tallest, fastest roller coastser in the world! I like dancing in public, have no shame, and am always up for new things.

Alright, that seems good enough.

In Yankees news: Alex Rodriguez is the proud father of a second baby girl! And he didn’t collapse in the delivery room this time! YAY! So congratulations to him, Cynthia, and little Natasha.

Michael is pitching tonight. I have faith. Always do. He knows what he’s doing.

Alright, I really need to get going. It’s beautiful outside and I should be reading for Psychopathology.

So, go Michael!!! Kick some Chisox ass!!